Total Average Price/Unit
Total Quantity
This is a free online tool to calculate average price of cryptos purchased. Can be really handy tool when you have a dollar cost averaging investment and want to know what is your average purchase price.
Yes, you can use this tool to calcualte on fractional quantity that is usually the case in all cryptocurrencies and also common in stock market for fractional shares.
Average price is calculated using total quantity purchased and total price paid. This tool can also take care of fractional quantity.
Yes, you can use this tool to calcualte the average bitcoin or ethereum price you have paid. This is a general purpose tool that can be used to caculate average price of anything including stocks, crypto currencies like Algorand, Solana, Cardano, Avalanche, Polygon, Loopring, Shiba Inu, Dodge Coin and more.
You can use add more button to add as many transactions you like. The calculations are automatically updated as you make more entries.
This tool is a simple way to calculate few transactions average. It can be handy when you are deciding to sell your crypto currencies. I use them to calculate my average price for crypto trading bots manual safety orders on 3commas. It can also be handy to decide buying at a price when you want to bring down the average purchase price.
The information and calculations provided by this crypto average calculator tool are for informational purposes only and do not constitute financial advice. The owners and operators of this tool accept no responsibility or liability for any losses, damages, or other consequences that may arise from your use of this calculator.
This tool is provided on an "as is" basis without any warranties of any kind, either express or implied. The accuracy, reliability, and completeness of calculations cannot be guaranteed. Cryptocurrency markets are volatile, and investment decisions should be made at your own risk.
By using this calculator, you acknowledge that you are solely responsible for your investment decisions and that you understand the risks involved in cryptocurrency trading and investing. If you disagree with these terms, please discontinue use of this calculator immediately.