
HTML Escape | UnEscape Online | Developer Tools

HTML Escape and UnEscape

About HTML Escape and UnEscape Tool

This is a free online tool to escape and unescape HTML markup. You can copy/paste your desired HTML in below text field and hit Escape or UnEscape button.

What is HTML Escaping?

HTML escaping is used to represent special meaning characters in a HTML code. e.g. less than symbol < has a special meaning in HTML markup language. But in case your data contains a less than symbol < and you want to send it without confusing the browser then you need to send it as &lt; instead of < . Simlarly there are many other special characters that can be used as part of HTML markup. Below sample list can give you a idea of what this means.

This tool can easily encode a string to HTML entities or reverse the encoding and convert it to plain text string.

HTML Escaping Characters

Character HTML Escape Value
quote (") &quot;
amphersand (&) &amp;
less than symbol (<) &lt;
greater than symbol (>) &gt;

Want To Know What Is The HTML Escaped Value of a Character?

That is easy. Just type the character or a full string in the text box above and hit Escape button. You should be able to see the escaped value.

What is HTML UnEscaping?

HTML UnEscaping is the reverse process of escaping. This is used by the browser and client side programming languages to get the real data value from escaped string.

What Characters Need To Be Escaped?

Only few special meaning character need to be escaped. These characters have special use in HTML markup language.

Why HTML String Encoding Tool Is Needed?

HTML online string escape unescape tool

This tool can be really handy for bloggers and web masters to display HTML code on their website. A website for HTML tutorials will require HTML encoding to display the actual HTML code instead of its browser rendered values. Most of the syntax highlighter do this on the fly. However, you can use this tool to do encoding for static code snippets and more.

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